Monday, November 25, 2013

Cuepacs: No Compromise On Abuse Of Power By Civil Servant

LANGKAWI, Nov 25 (Bernama) -- Cuepacs will not compromise on any civil servant found to have abused powers because this tarnishes the image of the civil service, said Datuk Omar Osman, the president of the umbrella union for civil servants.

He said it was only right that they face the consequences and be punished.

By right civil servants should show total dedication so that Malaysia achieved its goal to be a developed nation by 2020, he said when addressing participants of a four-day Cuepacs seminar on leadership transformation and integrity here Monday.

He was commenting on the Auditor-General's Report 2012 which found cases of negligence, incompetence and possible power abuse and corruption among civil servants.

The seminar was attended by 120 heads of department from various government agencies. It was opened by Kedah state executive councillor Mohd Rawi Abdul Hamid, who represented the Menteri Besar of Kedah.


Saturday, November 23, 2013


PUTRAJAYA, 22 NOV 2013: The Tourism Malaysia Contact Centre (TMCC) was named third best contact centre in the public sector under the  Best Government Contact Centre Award category at the 14th Malaysia Customer Relationship Management (CRM) and Contact Centre Industry Awards 2013 which was held at Sunway Resort Hotel & Spa in Bandar Sunway recently.

The Employee Provident Fund (EPF) contact centre was the winner of that category followed by runner-up, 1Malaysia One Call Centre (1MOCC). 

At the same event, TMCC’s vendor, ANBIZ Sdn. Bhd. won first place under the Vendor Award – Best Overall Contact Centre Solution Implementation for Outbound and Best CRM Solution Implementation.

The annual CCAM Awards was organised by the Customer Relationship Management and Contact Centre Association of Malaysia (CCAM) which has been at the forefront in developing the local CRM and contact centre industry in Malaysia. 

The objectives of the annual CCAM Awards were to identify, recognise and honour distinguished members of the Malaysian contact centre industry who have – with innovation, persistence and focus – taken customer service to new heights. It acknowledged best practices in the customer service and contact centre industry with the aim of increasing customer service awareness, encouraging customer centricity from Malaysian enterprises and customer service individuals.

The contact centre industry is seen as a growing and potentially lucrative industry providing some 40,000 jobs in customer service based on statistics released by Kelly Services (M) Sdn Bhd.

Tourism Malaysia Contact Centre in Putrajaya was established in June 2013 and manned by the Domestic Marketing Division of Tourism Malaysia. Six tourism officers known as agents handle calls five work days a week between 8.30 am and 5.30 pm. They are briefed daily on the latest tourism events and products to ensure the delivery of accurate and current information.

Most of the enquiries come from locals and Singaporeans while the most frequently asked question is on accommodation options.

Based on a statistic by Domestic Marketing Division, the Tourism Malaysia Contact Centre received a total of 2,290 calls, 2,257 emails and 11,670 Facebook enquires from January to August this year. 

Contact details for the Tourism Malaysia Contact Centre are as follows:
Tourism Info Line: 1 300 88 5050

-tourism malaysia.

Friday, November 15, 2013

Negative Perception Against Worker Union Leaders Should Change

KUANTAN, Nov 15 (Bernama) -- Negative perception against leaders of worker unions which were often labelled as pressure groups should be changed.

Human Resources Deputy Minister Datuk Ismail Abd Muttalib said on the other hand, worker unions should be viewed as supporters, partners and suppliers.

"Worker unions should be transformed as partners to the government and employers, towards achieving a high-income developed nation status," he said in a closing speech of the Trade Union Training On Leadership And Raconteur seminar here Friday.

The text of his speech was delivered by the ministry's secretary-general, Datuk Seri Zainal Rahim Seman.

Ismail said a worker union should be seen from a new perspective, that is, as supplier of competitive and skilled human resources, adding that external challenges and pressure also demanded that union leaders be more proactive, competitive, creative and innovative.

According to him, worker unions should be seen as relevant to national economic development.


Thursday, November 14, 2013

Cuepacs Asks Govt To Improve 168 More Schemes

KUALA LUMPUR, Nov 14 (Bernama) -- Cuepacs has called on the government to improve 168 more remuneration schemes in the civil service by the end of June 2014.

Its president Datuk Omar Osman said the schemes involved 700,000 workers who made up 60 per cent of the service.

He said so far improvements to 81 schemes involving more than 600,000 civil servants or 40 per cent of the civil service had been approved by the government.

Omar was speaking to reporters after chairing a meeting of the umbrella union for civil servants' supreme council at Wisma Cuepacs here.

The meeting, among others, discussed preparations for Cuepacs 26th Annual Convention which will be held from Dec 17 to 19 at Menara PGRM in Cheras here.


Saturday, November 9, 2013

Cuepacs Wants Government To Improve Remaining 249 Salary Schemes

ALOR SETAR, Nov 9 (Bernama) - Cuepacs wants the government to improve the remaining 249 public service salary schemes by year end.

Its president Datuk Omar Osman said with this, the 249 schemes would be completed together with the 81 schemes slated for improvement by the government.

Improvement to the 81 salary schemes took seven months to complete.

Omar said this is necessary to enable all civil servants to enjoy the benefits of the improved schemes.

"The government should inform Cuepacs so that we can explain to civil servants about the state of their salary schemes.

"I am confident that the Public Service Department (PSD) will not find it difficult to improve the 249 schemes," he told reporters at a dialogue session with Cuepacs members at Bangunan Sultan Abdul Halim, here Saturday.


CUEPACS Urges Government To Expedite Review Of Allowances, Incentives

IPOH, Nov 8 (Bernama) - Cuepacs has urged the government to expedite the review of all types of allowances and incentives for civil servants in view of the high cost of living.

Its president, Datuk Omar Osman said Cuepacs had submitted the related information to the Treasury early this year but was never called to explain the request.

"The Treasury should expedite the review because the 2014 Budget had no mention about our request for increased housing allowance, streamlining of subsistence allowance and review of housing loans," he told reporters after a meeting with Road Transport Department (JPJ) staff in Ipoh, Friday.

Omar said the government housing loans based on salary given to civil servants was unreasonable considering the high price of houses.

"Civil servants drawing monthly salary of RM1,200 cannot get loans of RM150,000 as they are only eligible for RM80,000 loans.

"As such they cannot buy houses costing RM150,000 and have to get bank loans with higher interest to make up the difference.

"The civil servants end up with two housing loans to service and also have to cope with the high cost of living," he added.

Cuepacs and the Public Service Department (PSD) will go on a nationwide roadshow from Nov 15 to explain to civil servants the government decision to improve 81 schemes as mentioned in the 2014 Budget.


Monday, November 4, 2013

Perutusan Perdana Menteri Sempena Sambutan Maal Hijrah 1435h

1. Salam Sejahtera dan Salam 1Malaysia. Alhamdulillah, setinggi kesyukuran saya panjatkan ke hadrat Allah SWT kerana sekali lagi kita diberi peluang meraikan Sambutan Maal Hijrah 1435 Hijrah. Maal Hijrah telah mengingatkan kita kepada peristiwa hijrah Rasulullah SAW dan para sahabat baginda.

2. Saban tahun, kita pasti akan mengimbau dan mengiktibari peristiwa hebat yang telah menjadi asas kepada gemilangnya cahaya syiar dan syariat Islam ke seluruh alam, merentasi benua dan zaman. Syariatnya abadi menerangi kehidupan menjadi rahmat seluruh insan.

3. Sebagai sebuah negara Islam, kita sentiasa menggarap roh dan semangat hijrah Rasulullah SAW bagi memberikan kita momentum berganda untuk terus melakukan transformasi dan islah buat negara Malaysia ini. Sasaran menjadi negara Islam maju, progresif dan berpendapatan tinggi ini adalah berlandaskan al-Quran dan as-Sunnah yang menuntut kita untuk menjadi satu umat yang wasatiyyah, adil dan terbaik.

4. Justeru, seluruh rakyat Malaysia tanpa mengira kaum, bahasa dan agama hidup berharmoni, mempertahankan kemakmuran dan kesejahteraan bumi bertuah ini untuk kita kecapi bersama dengan sepenuh kesyukuran.

5. Sambutan Maal Hijrah yang kita sambut setiap tahun sebenarnya mengajak umat Islam untuk melakukan perubahan. Dengan melakukan hijrah bersifat semasa, ianya mampu melepaskan seseorang itu dari belenggu kebekuan yang bersifat tradisi. Ianya akan melahirkan umat Islam yang sentiasa berfikiran kreatif dan berinovasi serta relevan dengan zaman dan cabaran arus perdana. Sesuai dengan firman Allah SWT dalam surah Ar-Rad ayat 11 yang bermaksud :
“ Sesungguhnya Allah tidak mengubah apa yang ada pada sesuatu kaum sehingga mereka mengubah apa yang ada pada diri mereka sendiri. ”

6. Menghayati pengertian hijrah yang lebih luas, kita tetap memartabatkan agama dan mempertahankan kalimah Allah demi agama, bangsa dan negara tercinta. Malaysia yang menjunjung tinggi perlembagaan dan Islam sebagai agama bagi negara, tetap istiqamah mendaulatkan kedudukan Islam di negara ini berlandaskan Maqasid Syariah dan pendekatan berhemah berkonsepkan Wasatiyyah.

7. Selaras dengan semangat Hijrah, kita juga telah merangka Bajet Tahun 2014 untuk terus mengislah ketahanan ekonomi, memperkasa transformasi dan melaksana janji-janji kepada rakyat. Hakikatnya, Malaysia kini terus berkembang melalui perlaksanaan program-program transformasi ekonomi yang telah kita lancarkan. Perkembangan ini diiktiraf oleh Bank Dunia apabila Laporan Mudah Menjalankan Perniagaan Bank Dunia 2014 meletakkan negara kita pada kedudukan ke tempat ke-6 berbanding tempat ke-12 tahun lalu.

8. Peningkatan ketara ini sekaligus membuktikan komitmen dan kesungguhan kerajaan bagi mentransformasikan Negara kita. Ini mencerminkan kejayaan agenda penghijrahan yang telah dilakukan di dalam negara. Kejayaan ini juga mengukuhkan lagi Malaysia sebagai sebuah Negara Islam contoh apabila satu-satunya negara Islam yang berada dalam kedudukan 10 negara terbaik.

9. Marilah kita berdoa supaya kehidupan pada tahun 1435 Hijrah ini lebih baik dan menjadi insan yang beriman dan bertakwa serta segala dosa diampunkan olehNya. Selawat dan salam ke atas junjungan besar Nabi Muhammad SAW, ahli keluarganya dan para sahabat.

10. Di kesempatan ini, saya dan keluarga mendoakan agar Sambutan Maal Hijrah 1435H ini dapat memupuk persefahaman dan perpaduan seluruh rakyat Malaysia. Bertemakan “Wasatiyyah Tonggak Kesatuan Ummah”, semoga ianya menjadi pemangkin kepada kemajuan, kestabilan dan kemakmuran negara.

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Berita gembira buat 613,782 penjawat awam

PUTRAJAYA 1 Nov. - Lebih 600,000 penjawat awam akan mendapat faedah perkhidmatan baharu berikutan langkah kerajaan melaksanakan penambahbaikan kepada 81 skim perkhidmatan awam sedia ada.

Ketua Pengarah Perkhidmatan Awam, Tan Sri Mohamad Zabidi Zainal berkata, antara faedahnya ialah kenaikan taraf skim perkhidmatan, pemberian dua tambahan kenaikan mata gaji dan penggabungan serta pindaan nama beberapa skim perkhidmatan.

“Serentak itu, 613,782 penyandang skim perkhidmatan awam terbabit akan diberikan surat tawaran melalui jabatan masing-masing dalam bulan ini.

“Mereka diberikan tempoh selama sebulan selepas menerima surat tawaran itu untuk membuat keputusan," katanya kepada pemberita selepas mengadakan perjumpaan dengan Kongres Kesatuan Pekerja-pekerja di Dalam Perkhidmatan Awam (CUEPACS) di sini hari ini.

Yang turut hadir Presiden CUEPACS, Datuk Omar Osman.

Langkah penambahbaikan itu selaras dengan pengumuman Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak semasa pembentangan Bajet 2014 di Parlimen pada bulan lalu.

Berikutan penambahbaikan itu, kerajaan berjaya mengurangkan bilangan skim perkhidmatan sedia ada daripada 274 kepada 249 mulai 1 Januari depan.

Mohamad Zabidi berkata, JPA akan memaklumkan pelaksanaan tersebut kepada Ketua Setiausaha kementerian dan ketua jabatan yang berkaitan dalam tempoh terdekat ini.

“Kita juga akan mengadakan perjumpaan dengan semua bahagian sumber manusia kementerian dan jabatan untuk menerangkan langkah penambahbaikan itu," katanya.

Friday, November 1, 2013

Prime Minister’s Message In Conjunction With Deepavali 2013

Deepavali is a festival that is celebrated by Hindus all over the world. In Malaysia, the festival of lights is especially significant as it is embraced by Malaysians of all faiths as an occasion to spread goodwill, peace and harmony. Beginning with the traditional oil bath by the Hindus to gathering with family and friends, open house tradition and serving of delicious Indian delicacies such as murukku and thosai, the festival of lights is certainly a national festival for Malaysians of all walks of life.

Deepavali signifies the victory of light over darkness. In this context, the festival is also a time for all Malaysians to come together to give thanks for our way of life and our achievements. Deepavali this year is very special for Malaysians, especially to the Indian community as they have chosen to continue lighting up their lives through a Government that can ensure Malaysia remains a peaceful and stable country. This is a victory to the “nambikei” between the Government and the Indian community in our efforts to uplift the Indian community. It is a sign that our transformation initiatives in the last 4 years have been well received by the community.

On this occasion, I take the opportunity to thank the Indian community for their trust and support in us to continue to lead the nation. As a responsible Government, we acknowledge that more needs to be done to ensure our initiatives and services reach every Indian in Malaysia who needs assistance. We are committed to delivering the promises we made to the Indian community in the 13th General Election. In order for us to effectively fulfil the promises, I call upon the leaders of the community, Indian NGOs and other stakeholders to work with me and the Government as we have a lot more work to do together.

I also call upon the community to continue their partnership with the Government based on the same trust that has been established. This effective partnership will continue to ensure a better quality of life for the present and coming generations. We do not want anyone to be left out in our nation’s progress and development.

In ending, I take this opportunity to wish “Deepavali Vaalthukal” to all Malaysian Hindus. Let us come together to join our Hindu brothers and sisters in celebrating this festival with the confidence that it will bring light and hope to all Malaysians.

Happy Deepavali.